Frank Peters
So you think the UPC is the best thing since forever! Maybe think again. They are on a mission and their mission does not include me and you.
Their mission is to restore the hay-day of oil, gas and mining so that the corporate giants may once again thrive and the “leaders” can reap the benefits
when they sell out to the highest bidder. We’ve seen this from the ‘Old Boys Club’ lots of times in the corporate world and the UPC government is no different.
A prime example from corporate was when they took NOVA an Alberta Corporation and spun it into two different companies. Nova Gas was merged (taken over) by Trans Canada Pipelines
and NOVA Chemicals was created as a different company. They said it would stay a Canadian company but all the management execs moved to the states. They still kept an office in
Calgary and called it “Head Office” but all the strings were pulled by US company leadership. It wasn’t long before they saw a way to get their pay-out and sold it off to a private Saudi establishment.
I predict something very similar will happen to Alberta with this UPC government.
They stopped alternative energy initiatives because they don’t want to have anything that might detract from oil and gas.
They have been trying to sell mining rights around the world but they didn’t anticipate the backlash this would have. They haven’t stopped,
they’re just trying to go about it in a not so visible way.
They are doing their damnedest to screw up the health care and hospitals so that they can get private, for profit
health care off the ground. This won’t be for all Albertans, just the wealthiest.
Now they think that we need our own type of Canada Pension Plan, just made in Alberta. They say this will provide better benefits at a lower cost than the CPP.
They are trying to sell it to the average Albertan...Why? Who will really benefit from this? If they manage to sell it,
then you can bet that they will try to double down on oil and gas. The banks are already refusing to cover loans for oil and gas so the UPC is looking for alternative
funding which will come from the Alberta Pension Plan. You can forget about any support or help to fund alternative energy sources.
Remember, this party is closely related to the party that destroyed the Heritage Trust Fund and we want these greedy idiots to look after our savings....I don’t think so!
Please do all you can to prevent this change. The CPP has served us and all Canadians well. It is administered separate from the government and is in very good standing.
The UPC government does not care for the rest of the world or even the rest of Canada. They are not acting in the best interests of Canadians or Albertans.
They want us to become another state. They could care less that the rest of the world is having difficulties due to global climate change and rising oceans. They also forget
that while Alberta was going through tough times in the thirties, it was the eastern people that helped them out.
The UPC party acts like a few greedy spoiled kids that only want things their way, similar to the way the US is treating Canadians now.
The current UPC leadership wormed their way into power though deceit and bullying and then got rid of any moderates in their party through the same process.
They are now using these same tactics to ram changes through to the Health Care and school systems.
Please stand up and vote for any party that puts the good of the country and ALL Canadians first. Do your best to bitch and complain and get LOUD anout what the UPC's are doing!
Frank Peters