My Thoughts on Appropriated Language 


First let me say I’m not anti-homosexual, anti-LGBTQ2+ or anti-anything to do with how others wish to be alive unless they push their lifestyle on those that do not wish to pursue that lifestyle.

I do have a problem with how certain members of the alternative lifestyle have pre-empted common language to give a special meaning to words that are in common usage and have a different defined meaning. The most common word I’m thinking of is “gay”. It used to mean happy but now it depicts a lifestyle referring to homosexuality. I think we the straight community did this ourselves. It was a word that described the flamboyant nature of some of the people within the homosexual community and we, being lazy just used the term to describe all within that community. If we’d used the term “goy” instead, it would be a new word and the old word could still be used to, like the song said, “have a gay old time.” Meaning happy abandonment. Who knows, maybe we’d be in the gay 20’s again. It would be fun to watch the children gaily skipping down the street or exploring through the fields.

I have a few family members on different sides of the family that identify as LGBTQ2+. They are welcome to their lifestyle choices. They are not welcome to describe themselves as “They” If he or she wants to describe themselves, How about He-she or She-he, maybe even He-He, She-She. Sheee-it! You choose, just don’t choose something that is already in use. Two spirit is good, So is saying I identify as both male and female. “They” is not appropriate when referring to a person because “they” in context to people, refers to two or more physical beings. If this is really important to the collective “you”, then it should be worth the effort of creating a word to uniquely describe it.

I’m probably stepping into a mine-field with these thoughts, but when they wake me up way too early in the morning, I have to get them out there. Again, I’m not bashing the lifestyle, just the language used to describe it.

Regards Frank Peters


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